Author: Harlaequin

  • Vocalist’s Tips: Part 1

    In case you didn’t know it, everyone can sing. Yep, you read that right, everyone and anyone can sing. The harsh reality is, unfortunately, not everyone can sing well. There, I said it, and I’ll say it again. NOT EVERYONE CAN SING WELL!! Some singers can sing well, and some OK, but let’s face it,…

  • Is it really “Common”?

    “Common Knowledge”. Really??? What is that? I know! I know! It’s those things that “everyone should know because it’s, well, it’s common!” Well, I’ve got news for anyone reading this (as if it’s that common! Ha!). There is NO SUCH THING! Why do I say that? Because what is common in Ohio may not be…

  • The Dumbest High IQs in the World

    I'll jump right into insulting the top 2% of the population: MENSA! Yep, the top 2% of the population in terms of IQ scores. To be able to join MENSA you have to have an IQ over 132 (on the IQ test most people take) to qualify. If you get that score (after paying for…

  • Holiday Cheer (or Winter Gibberish?)

    [Positive Adjective or feeling + holiday or celebration name here]! If that doesn’t make sense, maybe this will… Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa! Joyful Yule Wishes! Happy Hanukkah! Blessed Bodhi day! Joyous and Jolly Wintertime Wishes for… blah! blah! blah! Look, I get it, there are a lot of holidays and well wishes to…

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